Application for Turkish Citizenship
Requirements for Real Estate Investment
This Guide has been prepared in accordance with the authority given by the provision "The procedures and principles to be applied in determining whether the investment conditions in the scope and amount specified in the second paragraph are met are determined by the institution making the determination." included in paragraph 9 of Article 20 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law.
Within the scope of subparagraph (b) of the second paragraph of article 20 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law; “foreign persons may acquire Turkish citizenship by the decision of the President if it is "determined by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, to whom the sale of the immovable is promised with a contract drawn up at the notary public on the condition that at least 400,000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency is purchased, provided that an annotation is placed in the land registry records that it will not be sold for three years, or condominium or floor servitude has been established or provided that at least 400,000 USD or its equivalent in foreign currency is deposited in advance, and a commitment not to be transferred or cancelled for a period of three years is annotated in the land registry”.
Amendments have been made in the regulation that entered into force on 12.01.2017, 19.09.2018, 07.12.2018, 06.01.2022 and 13.06.2022, respectively.